Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Marriott (02-24-09)

So yesterday at the we started to work in a new section. Since we were in a new section we also we also decided that we would focus on communication. While there we walked around with Kristy , who is the Banquet manager, we seen what we will be doing next time we go. we also had a yellow sheet to fill out which was full of qeustions for us to ask kristy like what she does and what her biggest challenges are. So next week i will fill you into more of what we do. Bye

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Marriott (2/03/09)

Yesterday at the Marriott i was in housekeeping. I was on the 8th floor with Naldine. There was kinda a language barrier so I wasn't able to get a lot from her but i did learn a few things . First off the basic yesterday was appreciation , so I had to look for certain things that showed how the guest are appreciated in the hotel. One thing i seen was how each room is given water bottles and packets of Fine Tea. Another thing was where a person forgot his tie so we sent it to the front desk right away so they could try to get the tie back to the costumer that forgot it.